Keith’s lasting gift for future research

“I have decided to leave a gift in my Will to The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity, because The Royal Marsden saved my life.”

“In 2013 I was diagnosed with a bone marrow cancer called myeloma. The first signs were pins and needles in my feet which kept me awake at night – I was lucky that my local GP really looked into this and gave me a few rounds of blood tests.

I went to the GP for my results and she said, “there is no easy way to tell you this, but you have an incurable cancer”. When I was told the news it was a surreal moment. I was quickly put on a fast track for chemotherapy treatment and then when I was ready for a stem cell transplant, I was referred to The Royal Marsden.

Keith and his wife
Keith and his wife

Everyone in the NHS has been wonderful throughout my treatment, but at The Royal Marsden they were exceptional. They were so kind and helpful – everything you could wish for. The stem cell harvesting was done on my birthday and the following week I received the reimplantation. I have always wondered how these cells, injected back into my bloodstream, manage to rebuild the bone marrow inside my bones. It’s just amazing.

My stem cell transplant was a success although the cancer I had was classed as incurable but treatable.

After three and a half years I relapsed and was put on a brand new drug to treat the cancer. After a further whole year in remission, I recently found out I have relapsed again.

I don’t know what drugs I will be given this time but I do know that the amazing research into myeloma is creating new treatment options all the time. As with my last relapse, I will be monitored to determine when and what my treatment will be.

Keith and wife at sea

Two years after I went into remission, my wife and I decided to take part in The Banham Marsden March and raised £3,500. It was 14 miles and I was still physically weak but we had trained for it. The final mile was exhausting for me. However, the magical part of that day – and something that will live in my memory – was the final 50 yards to the hospital. It was then that I looked up and saw the window of my room where I’d had my stem cell transplant two years earlier. Being back at The Royal Marsden was very emotional as everything I had been through came together in that moment.

Last year, my wife and I decided we wanted to update our Will and leave a gift to the Charity. Firstly, it was another way of saying thank you for the fantastic treatment and for saving my life. Secondly, I wanted to help the hospital carry out research in the future. It felt like the right place for our gift.

I wanted to leave a gift in our Wills to one of the many cancer charities and the minute I saw The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity provided a free Will-writing service, it made the decision for me. It’s great that the Charity offers this service. I was impressed by the information provided and how easy the process was. It was quick, simple and straightforward. Once we had signed the Wills, it was done and no longer a worry for us.

It’s more important than ever that The Royal Marsden can continue their research and I’m proud to have left a gift in my Will to the Charity.”

Writing or updating your Will couldn’t be easier with our Free Will Service and by including a gift like Keith, you can make a vital difference to the lives of cancer patients, long into the future. Find out more about writing your Will for free.

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