Our Modern Slavery Statement

We recognise that while awareness of Modern Slavery has increased in recent years it remains prevalent in areas of human vulnerability which sadly have increased due to the impact of the pandemic and human displacement due to conflict and climate change.

The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity is committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of our work, including in our supply chains.

“We”, (The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity, and trading subsidiary) are committed to operating without the exploitation of people, either through modern slavery or human trafficking. This commitment extends to our supply chains and our partners.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 March 2024.

Our Organisation

The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity raises money solely to support The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, a world-leading cancer centre (the “Hospital”).  The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity is a registered charity in England and Wales, No. 1095197 and a company limited by guarantee, No. 04615761.

The Charity operates a wholly owned subsidiary trading company, Royal Marsden Cancer Campaign Trading Company Limited. The company’s principal activity is the sale of items of both a fundraising and promotional nature in support of The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. Royal Marsden Cancer Campaign Trading Company Limited is a private limited company, No. 04722285.  

Our Supply chains

We work with a range of suppliers (some of which are based outside of the United Kingdom). Suppliers may assist with the provision of goods for us to sell, for example through our online shop, or provide products and services for our fundraising events.  

We have put in place a Procurement Policy to support staff in the selection of suppliers. This Policy has been developed with the support of the Hospital’s procurement team and provides a purchasing framework and process.

Our Policies

In addition to our Procurement Policy, we also follow a number of other policies to protect the people we work with and those involved in our supply chains. These are reviewed on an annual basis:

  • Risk Management
  • Safeguarding Vulnerable Beneficiaries: Child Protection and Safeguarding
  • Safeguarding Vulnerable Beneficiaries: Safeguarding Adults
  • Dignity at Work 
  • Whistleblowing 
  • Moral and Ethical Fundraising

Our Performance

Our leadership team regularly reviews the risks we face. We also provide avenues for whistleblowing and a supportive culture of speaking-up. Through this open communication, we believe the effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated by receiving no reports from our staff, the public, or law enforcement agencies.


This Statement is approved by:

Sir Douglas Flint CBE
Chair, The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity



Last updated: 4 June 2024