Derek and CJ’s star in memory of Sam

“The Royal Marsden were able to give Sam time to make more memories with us as a family – we are forever grateful to them”

Derek’s late wife Sam was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010 when their daughter CJ was just 8 years old.  After receiving treatment at The Royal Marsden for just over 10 years, Sam died in 2021. Derek is forever grateful to the hospital for the extra years Sam was given under their care, which meant she was able to see her daughter graduate from school. 

Now, every year, Derek and CJ name a star in Sam’s memory. 

Sam's breast cancer diagnosis 

"In late 2010, my wife Sam was diagnosed with breast cancer" says Derek. "She’d noticed a lump and got it checked out quite quickly, which led to her diagnosis. It was a huge shock, given how young she was. She was only in her mid-30s. Our daughter CJ was just 8 years old."

"On coming to The Royal Marsden, Sam underwent more tests first before they decided to operate. She had a mastectomy before undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy."

"For a period of time, Sam was doing well. Then, in 2017, Sam had surgery to have both her kidneys removed as she was suffering with polycystic kidney disease. She ended up being in a wheelchair after this surgery as her body went into shock."

A man and a woman with a dog in front of a beach. They are both smiling, the woman is in a wheelchair and the dog has its legs on her lap
Derek with his late wife Sam and their dog Amber

"Due to her kidney disease, Sam was having regular dialysis and monitoring. Her blood tests around this time, unfortunately, showed that the cancer had come back. We found ourselves back at The Royal Marsden for treatment." 

"The chemotherapy had to be structured around the dialysis Sam was already having for her kidney condition. Cancer treatment seemed to be going well, and Sam went through a period of feeling better."

“In March 2021, things started taking a turn for the worse, and she was admitted into The Royal Marsden in June/July time. Sam died in mid-July, it’s been three years now since she passed away."

“It’s still hard without Sam. We often talk about her and mention that she may have liked something we’d done or seen some days. It’s a new way of life without her. Each person copes differently with grief, it’s all about accepting what has happened and moving forwards.” 

Forever grateful to The Royal Marsden  

A woman in a wheelchair with her daughter, hugging and looking at the camera
Sam with her daughter CJ

“Sam was a patient at The Royal Marsden for just over ten years. Those extra ten years meant Sam was able to see CJ graduate from school before she went to university and we are forever grateful to The Royal Marsden for that.   

“We were all offered counselling through the hospital, as a family, a service which is funded by The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. CJ joined one session and the rest were sessions which Sam and I had together.  We can’t fault the support we received from The Royal Marsden – they were brilliant.” 

Taking part in Celebrate a Life  

“After Sam died, we started doing Celebrate a Life. We wanted to give something back to The Royal Marsden and celebrate Sam’s life and all the wonderful work that the hospital does.  

“It’s emotional being back at The Royal Marsden in Sutton for the Celebrate a Life carol service but it’s such a lovely evening and atmosphere, singing along to the carols. We’ve been to the carol service for two years now and are coming again this year – with our dog Amber too!  

“It’s lovely to have the star decoration for our tree at home as part of being a Celebrate a Life supporter and to be around other supporters who have been through similar experiences.  

A man dressed in black crouching down, holding a CAL booklet. A dog is next to him.

“It’s also been amazing to see the Oak Cancer Centre being built over the years since we’ve been coming to Sutton, knowing that other people who are supporting the Charity have made something like this happen is amazing.  

“Sam was always smiling, always positive, always trying to help others. The Royal Marsden gave her time for her to make more memories with us as a family.” 

We invite you to name a star for someone special 

Behind every star is a story, and Celebrate a Life is a unique way to celebrate those most special to you. 

Name a star this year and make a vital difference to the lives of cancer patients and their families.

Name your star

Find out more about Celebrate a Life

Name a star for someone special


By naming a star and adding a message for someone special with your donation, you will make a vital difference to the lives of cancer patients and their families.