From patient to fundraiser and soon to be nurse

This March over 9,000 supporters challenged themselves to complete 3,000 sit ups throughout the month, incredibly raising over £317,000 in the process.

One of the amazing challengers taking part was Emma Godwin, who was not only treated at The Royal Marsden for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in 2013, but this September, eight years after completing treatment, will be joining the hospital team as a nurse.

emma in nurse uniform

“I decided to go into oncology nursing two years after completing treatment,” says Emma. “I wanted to give something back and to be able to work at The Royal Marsden as a nurse is a dream come true.

“As a patient, all the nurses were amazing. I always felt supported and able to contact them about any worries I might have. There is also such an incredible atmosphere at the hospital. Everyone I know who has been treated there says the same.”

Emma was referred to The Royal Marsden when she was 23 years old after being diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma at her local hospital. She had been experiencing symptoms for quite some time before, such as a hard lump on her neck, but the tests she had been given had not got to the bottom of it. Over time the lump had got bigger and Emma started experiencing other symptoms, such as wheezing and itching.

It wasn’t until being rushed to A&E for suspected appendicitis that it was finally discovered. An ultrasound after surgery picked up enlarged lymph nodes, and after a biopsy on her neck Hodgkin’s Lymphoma was finally confirmed.

“I began 12 rounds of chemotherapy in January 2013 which I completed six months later,” says Emma. “I had been responding well to treatment and I was ecstatic when my post-treatment scan confirmed I was all clear and I didn’t need any further treatment. Five years later I was told that I could be signed off completely. At that time, I had just begun my Access to Nursing course and this news was such a motivational boost.

“Taking part in the 3,000 sit up challenge for the Charity has been great fun and I have been able to easily fit it around my degree which has been mostly virtual. After 300 sit ups every three or four days it felt great to smash the target whilst raising money for such an important cause. Now I am looking forward to starting my dream job at The Royal Marsden and feel incredibly proud that I will be part of such a fantastic team.”

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