“The staff use every available tool to give you an accurate diagnosis - all on the same day”

After Alex’s breast cancer was picked up on a Charity-funded mammography machine, she went on to receive outstanding treatment and care at the hospital.

Upper body shot of a woman sitting, looking at the camera. She has blonde hair and is wearing a black top

Alex was diagnosed with breast cancer in March 2024 after undergoing diagnostic tests in the Charles Wolfson Rapid Diagnostic Centre in the Oak Cancer Centre. The cancer was detected using a state-of-the-art mammography machine, funded by The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity.

Diagnosis at the Oak Cancer Centre

“When I first found a lump in February 2024, I went to my GP to get it checked out. The GP initially thought it might just be a nodule on my ribs. She gave me a thorough examination and referred me to The Royal Marsden for further investigations.

“My first mammogram (breast screening) in the Oak Cancer Centre still didn’t show the lump clearly, but the nurses were so brilliant and wanted to rule out anything, so asked me if I wanted to have more tests done that day.

“The second mammogram I had was when it showed up. The team had me in every possible position and got so much imaging so they could see the lump. I’m on HRT treatment and my cancer is estrogen receptive – this sometimes makes your breast tissue denser, which then makes it more difficult for lumps to show up through screening and scans.

“I’ve had mammograms, CT scans, MRI scans and an MRI guided biopsy in the Oak Cancer Centre. The staff use every available tool to give you an accurate diagnosis and it can all be done on the same day.

The Oak Cancer Centre is so beautiful. It doesn’t feel clinical and I love how quiet it is.

Alex, breast cancer patient

“I was put under the care of Miss Rachel O’Connell and when my biopsy results came through and my exact diagnosis was confirmed, she took me through her plan of action. She was amazing, so positive, and the team looked after me so well. I never felt like I was on my own – I felt so well supported.”

“The Oak Cancer Centre is so beautiful. It doesn’t feel clinical and I love how quiet it is. It doesn’t feel stuffy or crowded even on the busy days. It feels quite serene; it allows you to sit and gather your thoughts. The whole feeling of calm was so important for me. Considering my diagnosis, I never felt stressed or anxious when I was in the new Centre – it instils calm and confidence. It’s an amazing place to be.”

Two women talking. One is in a nurse's uniform and has her back to us, the other is wearing a black top and is facing forwards
Alex with Sister Jane Kimaru at the Charles Wolfson Rapid Diagnostic Centre

Surgery and getting “the all-clear”

“Rachel got me on her list as soon as possible and I had my surgery on 26 April. I had a wide local excision, also known as a lumpectomy. This is where the surgeon removes the cancer, along with some surrounding tissue. They took some lymph nodes out as well. The surgical team were all so lovely – they talked me through everything so well and told me exactly what they were going to do. 

“It was all done as a day surgery case and my husband was able to take me home the same day. I was up and about the following day as normal.  

“Rachel rung me at home with the pathology results from my surgery and they were all clear!”

I feel like I’ve had the absolute best treatment and care at The Royal Marsden. I can’t fault anything.

“My husband and I were able to do a recent safari trip to South Africa which was just incredible, so special. I’m so glad we were able to make this trip to celebrate my 60th birthday which is coming up next year. Rachel and The Royal Marsden teams did everything they could to ensure we were able to make this trip.

“I feel like I’ve had the absolute best treatment and care at The Royal Marsden. I can’t fault anything. You put your trust in the staff, and they take that really seriously.

“What The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity does is absolutely priceless. I don’t think I can ever say thank you enough to the hospital and the Charity. I feel humbled that I’ve been able to be treated at The Royal Marsden in the Oak Cancer Centre.

“I think the Charity donors absolutely need to hear this sort of feedback, especially about the new Centre. Not just about how their financial support is making a huge difference but how much we, as patients, appreciate their time, energy and the thought which they put into donating.” 

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