Orbit Abseil Terms and Conditions

Orbit Abseil 2019


  1. I agree to pay The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity (RMCC) the registration fee of £25 to secure my place. Registration fees are non-refundable and cannot be transferred to another event, product or person.
  2. I understand that by accepting a RMCC abseil place I am undertaking to raise a minimum of £200 in sponsorship (excluding Gift Aid and registration fee).
  3. I agree to organise fundraising activities as an independent supporter of RMCC. I will therefore refer to raising money “in aid of The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity”, rather than on RMCC’s behalf.
  4. I agree that I shall comply with any instructions or guidance provided by RMCC relating to my fundraising.
  5. I will be responsible for any costs, taxes or expenses incurred or arising in connection with raising my sponsorship. I will not deduct any costs unless otherwise agreed with RMCC.
  6. I agree to pay all of the proceeds raised to RMCC as soon as possible after the event (and subject to any agreed timescale), and in accordance with RMCC’s instructions.
  7. I shall encourage donors and/or sponsors to make gift aid declarations where eligible, which may enable RMCC to recover basic rate tax on such donations. Further information about Gift Aid can be found on our website at www.royalmarsden.org or via GOV.UK https://www.gov.uk/donating-to-charity/gift-aid.

Personal Data and Consent

  1. I agree that RMCC can use the details that I have provided to discuss my fundraising activity with me and follow up on my progress.
  2. My personal information may also be used for the purposes of sending communications to me where I have confirmed that I would like to receive further information about the charity's work when signing up to fundraise for RMCC.
  3. All personal data held by us will be handled in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), in accordance with RMCC’s privacy statement which can be found at here.
  4. I agree that, by fundraising for RMCC, I will make myself aware of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regarding the use, storage and processing of any third party data I may end up receiving or being in contact with as a result of my fundraising.


  1. I give RMCC permission to use photographs or videos taken of me to raise awareness or money for The Royal Marsden’s work.
  2. If I provide photographs or videos taken during my fundraising activity to RMCC, I agree that these may be used by RMCC for commercial and/or fundraising purposes. By sending these to RMCC, I also confirm that anyone featuring prominently in the photograph or video is aged 16 or over, and that they have consented to their image being used in this way.

Use of logo and branding

  1. I agree that I will only use the ‘in aid of’ logo provided to me by RMCC and will not use any other RMCC branding without approval from RMCC.
  2. RMCC reserve the right to grant or refuse the use of our logo and branding.
  3. The Charity’s identity is protected by trademark and copyright law and this must be acknowledged wherever the logo is used. The charity number must also be stated, and therefore the following should be used in its entirety on all communication featuring the brand identity: The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. Registered Charity no. 1095197.



  1. I confirm that, if I am under 18, I have shown these terms and conditions to my parent/guardian, and they have agreed to accept responsibility for complying with these terms and conditions.
  2. I confirm that I will be over 14 years of age by the date of the above event and understand that under 18’s are required to be accompanied by a parent/guardian and complete the Participant Parental Consent Form provided on the day.
  3. I am confident that I am physically and mentally capable of taking part in the ArcelorMittal Orbit abseil. If there is any doubt, I confirm that I will seek medical advice from my GP and obtain written confirmation that I am fit to abseil.
  4. I understand that this event could be cancelled due to circumstances beyond the control of RMCC.
  5. I agree that RMCC is not liable for loss, damage or injury arising from any breach by me of these terms and conditions or the terms and conditions provided by Wire and Sky.
  6. I will comply with any applicable laws and regulations relating to my fundraising activity, including obtaining any necessary licenses, consents or permissions e.g. if I am holding a raffle or lottery, or proposing to sell alcohol.
  7. I will not do anything that threatens RMCC’s reputation or name. If I do, RMCC has the right to ask me to stop my fundraising activity immediately.
  8. I have read and agree to the terms and conditions from Wire and Sky which can be found here.