Help fund a new mobile image intensifier

Your donation will help fund this vital new machine for The Royal Marsden Hospital, ensuring our clinicians can continue to provide the very best treatment for patients.

A Female Radiographer in red scrubs using a mobile image intensifier fluroscopy machine
Shaira using the Mobile Image Intensifier.

Real time X-ray images ensuring better cancer treatment.

We need your help to fund a new mobile image intensifier that captures real-time, moving X-ray images of the inside of the body, using lower doses of radiation. This will allow our staff to use the enhanced quality images to conduct surgical procedures with greater accuracy – helping save more lives.

It will also assist in delivering targeted treatments, for example by helping position treatment ports to deliver chemotherapy and immunotherapy. This will enable staff to successfully carry out treatment with reduced stress for patients.

Please donate today to help fund this vital new machine. 
Shaira Farooq, Deputy Superintendent Radiographer at The Royal Marsden Chelsea

“It’s really important that we’re using the latest equipment so that we can offer fast and reliable treatment. Support from The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity helps make this possible."

- Shaira Farooq, Deputy Superintendent Radiographer

Aneta Gupta Royal Marsden Patient benefitted from Mobile Image Intensifier
Aneta had her port fitted using a mobile image intensifier

"Knowing that the equipment used during my port fitting was funded by the Charity makes me so grateful.”

Aneta is one of the patients who has benefitted from the mobile image intensifier.

Aneta began chemotherapy and immunotherapy treatment at The Royal Marsden after being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2022. Her severe phobia of needles made coming in for treatment difficult, but then she had a treatment port fitted by clinicians using a mobile image intensifier. 

“I used to be so anxious coming in for treatment,” says Aneta. “Having the port has made a huge difference to my quality of life. Knowing that the equipment used during the port fitting was funded by the Charity makes me so grateful.”

Help fund this life changing machine.

Your support will help to fund the latest mobile image intensifier, ensuring our clinicians can continue to provide the very best treatment for patients.