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Help fund a new, more advanced mammography machine which can detect breast cancer earlier and improve survival rates for our patients.

Make a donation

A Nurse smiling standing beside a mammography machine
Emily Holland, Senior Radiographer at The Royal Marsden.

For breast cancer patients, early detection of the disease and a conclusive diagnosis, is vital.

We need your help to fund a new mammography machine for the Rapid Diagnostic and Assessment Clinic. This machine will produce higher-quality images and provide a more comfortable experience for patients.

Life saving screening

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in the UK, with over 50,000 people receiving a breast cancer diagnosis each year. Early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer, is key to ensuring patients have the best chance of successful treatment. 

Mammograms play a vital role in the early diagnosis of breast cancer and the NHS estimates this kind of breast screening saves around 1,300 lives each year across the UK. 

Photo of Martine Milton wearing a grey nurse uniform, she is smiling and has her hair back in a bun.
Martine Milton

"The work we do would be impossible without the efforts of The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity and its supporters. The funding for equipment and trials makes such a huge difference to what we can offer our patients."

- Martine Milton, Lead Breast Cancer Research Nurse at The Royal Marsden.

Help fund this life changing machine

Your support will help fund a new, more advanced mammography machine, helping diagnose breast cancer early when it is easiest to treat.