
By fundraising for The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity your school can help improve the lives of cancer patients at The Royal Marsden and around the world.

A tray of decorated homemade biscuits
Ask students to bake sweet treats to raise money for The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity.

Schools raise over £100,000 every year for The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity!

This amazing amount of money raised by schools and colleges is so important to help make a difference to people with cancer and we’re so glad you’ve chosen to join in too.

If your school is interested in supporting The Royal Marsden, there are many ways you can still get involved – you could get the whole school joining in with a mufti day, or take on our sponsored steps challenge and get students to get in as many steps as they can over a timeframe that suits you. Otherwise you could set challenges for each class or set the students personal challenges like getting sponsored to give up something for a month. 

Register your fundraising with us and we can provide you with advice and materials to help you get started! Or if you need further ideas, download our school fundraising pack below. 

Free school fundraising pack

Our free school fundraising pack includes lots of exciting fundraising ideas to help your school raise money for The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity.


Join us this May and take on your Skipathon challenge, skipping for the month, a week or a day!

It is simple to sign up and take part:

  • Get your class, year or school involved.
  • Register via the link below.
  • Set up your Just Giving page to kick start your fundraising.
  • Share our Skipathon materials.​​​​​​​
  • Let us know when you’ve completed your challenge!