
Spreading the word

Once you have a plan for your fundraising, you need to get the word out about it. We have put together a few ideas to help you with this.

Marsden March participants dressed as superheroes - The Flash, Batman, Robin and Captain America

Getting media coverage

One of the best ways of getting media coverage for your event is to send a press release to your local paper and radio station. You can easily find details for your local media by searching online. If you call, ask for the news desk. Let them know you are fundraising and ask for an email address you can send your press release to. It’s always best to find out the name of an appropriate contact if you can and then mark it for their attention.

Our tips for writing a press release

  • Include the 5 ‘Ws’: Who, What, Where, Why and When.
  • Keep it short and punchy – no more than one side of A4.
  • Attract attention with the headline and the opening paragraph should sum up the story in no more than 30 words.
  • Don’t forget to include key contact details.
  • If you can, include a photo – you are more likely to get media coverage if your event has a strong action shot.
  • If you’re organising an event, make it clear if you want the general public to attend and, if they need to buy tickets, where they can get them.
  • If your local media can’t promote your event beforehand, send a follow-up story with a photo and the total raised
Start of the Banham Marsden March

Using social media

Whether you want to share updates about your fund, promote your events or ask for help with fundraising, social media is a great way to get the message out there to your friends and family! Depending on the platform, you can tailor your approach to make sure it works best for you and your fund.

We love to see how you’re getting on, so don’t forget to tag @royalmarsden on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.


Celebrities receive huge numbers of requests for support, so it can be very difficult to get them involved in your fundraising. But if you have a personal connection to a celebrity then speak to your designated team member and we can advise you on the best way to approach them and how they might be able to support you.