Royal Marsden Nurse

​How to include us in your Will

Writing or updating your Will helps to ensure that those closest to you are looked after and it’s also easier than you may think to remember The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. 

Use our Free Will Service

Write your Will for free with a local solicitor and help fund our life-saving research.

Writing your first Will

Here’s a few simple steps to get you started:

  • Choose your executors

You need to decide who to ask to be ‘executors’ of your Will to make sure that your wishes are carried out. Being an executor can involve a significant amount of responsibility, so it’s worth discussing in advance with those that you have chosen and it’s sensible to ask a minimum of two people in case circumstances change.

Executors are often family members or close friends. Alternatively, you can name a solicitor, your bank, or an accountant or a professional executor. Bear in mind they will charge a fee for their role, which is deducted from your estate.

  • List your assets and liabilities

When you write your Will for the first time, you will need to work out roughly what your estate is worth by listing all your assets and liabilities (debts). This will make it easier when it comes to deciding who should get what.

Your main asset is usually your home if you own it, as well as other financial assets like bank and savings accounts, stocks, bonds, pensions and insurance policies. You should also include other property such as a car, jewellery and other valuables.

You will also need to list your liabilities or debts, such as outstanding mortgages and loans. Once you’ve decided who to include in your Will, you’ll need to think about the type of gift. 

Choosing the right type of gift for you

You don’t need to be wealthy to leave a legacy gift in your Will. A gift of any size will help advance The Royal Marsden’s research into the development of new treatments, saving the lives of future cancer patients. There are three main types of gift:

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1. A share of your estate (also known as a Residuary Gift) “Estate” may sound grand, but it just means “the total value of all property and assets”. You can leave a percentage...
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2. A fixed sum of money (also known as a Pecuniary Gift) To ensure that it keeps its value over the years, you can ask your solicitor to make it index-linked.
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3. A specific gift You can also leave specific things that you own such as jewellery, a painting, or property.
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Speak to your solicitor if you’re interested in leaving an alternative type of gift. If you’d like to leave your gift to a specific area, please do get in touch.

Find a solicitor

We’d always recommend using a solicitor to write or update your Will to ensure all legal formalities are completed correctly.

I’m immensely proud to leave a gift in my Will, knowing it will go towards research that will transform the lives of cancer patients for years to come.

Carol Pitches

Updating your Will

If your circumstances or personal details change it may be a good time to update your Will. Gather all the new or updated information you will need before you go back to your solicitor.

Remember to consider whether your gift is a share of your estate, a cash gift or specific gift - see choosing the right type of gift, above.

Speak to your solicitor if you’re interested in leaving an alternative type of gift. If you’d like to leave your gift to a specific area, please do get in touch.

Our Promise to You

Your loved ones come first

We understand and respect that your family and friends come first.

We can help but ultimately it's your decision

We will offer support and resources to help, and never put you under pressure because we understand it is a big decision.

It's up to you whether you tell us

You don’t have to tell us your decision. We would love to hear if you have left a gift, but we will always respect your privacy.

We'll treat your gift with respect

We will use your gift carefully and effectively, where it will have the most impact.

We're here to help

We will answer your questions as quickly and honestly as we can.

Request a Gifts in Wills guide

Learn how a gift in your Will helps fund life-saving research. Request one today.