Register to fundraise Our fundraising team is always on hand to support you. Fill in our registration form to let us know what amazing fundraising you have planned.
Volunteering for The Royal Marsden- Pam's story Our amazing fundraiser, Pam, has been a volunteer at The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity since 2014.
Volunteering for The Royal Marsden- Valerie's story We are shining the spotlight on one of our amazing volunteers, Valerie, who has volunteered with us since 2003.
Volunteering for The Royal Marsden- Mike's story Mike has volunteered at The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity for over 10 years, helping at our outside events.
10,000 steps a day in November This November, walk 10,000 steps a day and raise vital funds for life-saving cancer research at The Royal Marsden. Walk / Trek Anywhere FREE to sign up! Starting 1st November 2023*
“I never thought cancer would be the outcome of a routine smear test” Cervical cancer patient Abagail is “all clear” and keen to share her story, raising awareness to help reassure others going through a cancer diagnosis themselves.
Our fundraising top 10 tips for beginners If you’re interested in fundraising for The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity, here’s our advice on where to get started.
Shop our Christmas collection Discover our new Christmas collection, from a great range of eco-packaged Christmas cards, to cuddly teddy bears and our reissued Royal Marsden Cancer Cookbook.
Ralph Lauren: Celebrating 10 years of partnership We take a look back at some of the highlights of our wonderful partnership to date, and hear from Royal Marsden patients and staff who have been closely involved.
Pre-Doctoral Research Fellowships 2023/24 The Royal Marsden Pre-Doctoral Research Fellowship scheme is funded by The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity, as part of the Safety, Innovation and Education Grant.
Shiona hits fundraising milestone Shiona Ramage was inspired to take on a series of challenges with the support of ‘Team Shomelanoma’ following her diagnosis of skin cancer to raise money for The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity.
Royal Marsden mascots meet football legends Learn more about our inspiring mascots at the Legends of Europe match between Chelsea FC and Bayern Munich, which raised money for The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity and the Chelsea Foundation.